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Sploitkit's API conveniently defines the CLI framework in an Object-Oriented fashion. Consoles have a set of commands and can be associated with modules, which are capable of handling their context in isolation and save/restore data from a datastore according to user-defined models. Datastores can also be customized using store extensions.

Thanks to compartmentalization in projects, files, jobs and sessions, it becomes easier to organize your work or generate reports.

To sum it up, Sploitkit aims to be highly customizable while keeping the same CLI philosophy as Metasploit, while leveraging Python and the power of prompt_toolkit in order to enhance the user experience through command-line completion and validation.

Main architecture

This library is designed around a central class called entity. An entity centralizes features such as class registry, which keeps track of relevant sub-entities like consoles, commands and modules. This means every entity class inherits from this main class and then defines additional features of its own.

Basically, five different "main" entity classes are defined :

  • Console : for defining CLI console levels
  • Command : for defining console commands, accessible from console levels
  • Module : for declaring modules with specific functionalities like in Metasploit
  • Model : for describing data schemas to be recorded in the datastore
  • StoreExtension : for defining mixins to be used with the datastore

At startup, Sploitkit loads every entity it finds in the user-defined sources, as well as a pre-defined set of generic commands (like in Metasploit or Recon-ng). This behaviour can be disabled if so desired. Instantiation begins with a Console and then proceeds with the loading of all the other entities. For convenience, a FrameworkConsole containing some some base functionalities is provided. It serves as a good starting point for newcomers to Sploitkit.


Back-referencing is heavily used throughout Sploitkit:

  • module.console refers to the parent console of module
  • calling self.config.console within an option allows to "walk up" the chain up to the console, and to create triggers for it

Project structure

The package is structured as follows :

  • base : This contains base entities to be included by default in any application. Note that if some base commands are not required, they can be disabled (see section Classes/Command).
  • core : This holds the core functionalities of Sploitkit with the class definitions for Entity and the main entity classes but also components for the main console.
  • utils : This contains utility modules that are not specifically part of the base and core subpackages.

