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Commands are associated to consoles through the level attribute and are evaluated in the REPL of a console using their run(...) method. Completion and validation can be tuned using appropriate methods like explained hereafter.

Note that they are two possible formats : COMMAND VALUE or COMMAND KEY VALUE.


It is possible to define the style of commands, that is, how the class name is rendered when called in a console. Currently, four styles are supported :

Name Command class name Rendered command name
Lowercase MyCommand mycommand
Powershell MyCommand My-Command
Slugified (default) MyCommand my-command
Uppercase MyCommand MYCOMMAND

Command styling can be set using the set_style(...) class method.

Example: Setting commands style
from sploitkit import Command



A command always subclasses the Command generic entity class and can be dissected as follows :

  1. Docstring : This will be used for command's description in help messages (callable through the help() method). Note that this docstring is parsed like for any entity (as it is a feature of the Entity class), meaning that metadata fields will be parsed and stored in a _metadata class attribute.
  2. Class attributes : They tune the applicability and nature of the command.
  3. Instance methods : They define the logic of the command, i.e. run().

Here is the list of tunable class attributes :

Attribute Type Default Description
aliases list(str) [] the list of aliases for the command
alias_only bool False whether only the aliases defined in the related list should be considered or also the converted command class name
applies_to list(str) [] a list of modules this command applies to
except_levels list(str) [] a list of non-applicable levels
keys list(str) or dict [] a list of possible keys or a dictionary of keys and associated values (this implies the second format with key-value)
level str "general" command's level ; "general" means that it applies to all console levels
single_arg bool False handle everything after the command as a single argument
values list(str)
Example: Making a command in Powershell style with an alias and applicable to the module level
from sploitkit import Command


class GetSomething(Command):
    """ Get something """
    aliases = ["gs"]
    level   = "module"


Completion is defined according to the command format and the related method signature is adapted accordingly. So, if a command is value-only, it can own a complete_values() method with no argument. If a command has both a key and a value, it can own a complete_keys() method taking no argument and a complete_values(key) method that can be tuned according to the key entered in the incomplete command.

By default, the Command class has both complete_keys and complete_values methods implemented, relying on the signature of the run(...) method to determine command's format. Completion is handled according to the format :

  • COMMAND VALUE : Then only complete_values is used, handling the values class attribute as a list.
  • COMMAND KEY VALUE : This one uses

    • complete_keys, handling the keys class attribute as a list in priority, otherwise the values class attribute as a dictionary whose keys are the equivalent to the keys class attribute
    • complete_values, handling the values class attribute as a dictionary whose values for the key given in argument (if not given, all the values aggregated from all the keys) give the completion list
Example: Default completion for key-values (second command format)
class DoSomething(Command):
    values = {"key1": ["1", "2", "3"],
              "key2": ["4", "5", "6"],
              "key3": ["7", "8", "9"]}

    def run(self, key=None, value=None):
        print(key, value)

This command will yield a completion list of :

  • ["key1", "key2", "key3"] when entering "do-something" (or "do-something" and a part of the possible key, without a trailing whitespace) and pressing the tab key twice

  • ["4", "5", "6"]when entering "do-something key2" and pressing the tab key twice


Validation can be especially useful as, within the CLI application, an error is dynamically displayed while typing a command, relying on command's validate() method. Like the completion methods, this is defined according to the signature of the run(...) method.

By default, the Command class has a validate method that relies on both complete_keys and complete_values methods to check inputs against valid keys and values.

Example: Key-value validation

According to the previous example, a validation error is raised as the given value is not part of the possible values for the given key :